Monday, November 19, 2007

That´s right. I said it--I love you, and you, and you. I´m so full of love right now because I don´t know what´s going to be happening to me in the next three weeks. I don´t know if I´ll ever see the people the made Provo ¨home¨ again. In about 4 hours I embark on a three week journey through Europe, two and half of those being all by my lonesome. I guess you could say it´s kind of like a dream come true, but dreams are always a little scarier when they´re reality. Having lived in Utah for a couple of winters with never wearing more than a sweatshirt I thought for sure I´d be all right with a sweatshirt over here. The weather God´s are proving me wrong. I was walking around the other night at about ¨1:30; it was 32 degrees outside but it was bitter. The breeze generated by the movement of my legs penetrated every hole in the fabric to cut into my skin. And this is in Spain. I don´t want to think about what´s going to happen in Vienna or Prague or Paris. Anyway, I wanted to give my ¨final¨ shout outs to those who I know participate in this blog, knowing that this might be the last thing I have to say.

Raw-B: He´s holds a spot in my heart for being genuine. He´s smart. He´s witty. You can tell by talking to him that in his heart he wants to do what´s good. He´s the best drummer I´ve lived with. It´s him more than anyone that made me realize my dream of shaving my head. We talk about the importance of being real, Raw-B epitomizes that.

the ERC: I´ve been sitting looking at the computer screen for 4 minutes trying to figure out what to say about the guy. I have to admit, I´m a little jealous of Eric because of the person he is. He has a good perspective on life. He´s hands down the funniest person I´ve met, not because he´s crackin´ jokes trying to get people to laugh at him, but because he knows how to look at things and see them in a humurous manner. I suppose that´s contagious because I´m always laughing. I´ve learned a lot from him. I miss our bathroom chats.

Tyler: Tyler is one Hales of a guy. I don´t know if I´ve met a nicer person. I mean, he lived with Adam for one semester and didn´t utter a word of complaint. He´s a monster on the court, though, and he always makes me feel like I´m good too. Go team Narwhale.

Brian Boyer: Hometeaching him last year was one of the best things that happened to me. It was always fun going over there, hearing him shout out ¨what´s up cracker?¨ and then sitting on their couches. He thinks about and lives the gospel, and he always made me want to be a better person. It was good hometeaching Brett too.

M-Death: She was probably the first girl to ever tell me that she loved me and actually meant it. I love you too. I like dancing with you. Or rather I like being at the same dance as you because I´m not sure if you dance ¨with¨ anyone. I can´t imagine what my life would be like without the influence of this beautiful girl.

BKB: Girl, you know it´s true. She knows what´s right. That´s what I like about her. She has a very good heart. She always laughs at us, but not in a bad way like some of these other clowns. She laughs at us because she thinks we´re funny. She makes a mean banana bread. She´s loyal. She´s a true friend to all of us.

Hanalei: What a woman. She came in preparation for Brandon´s getting married. We lost one asian friend, but gained another. I like it when you snort while you laugh, and that´s the truth. I like that I get to hear it a lot because it means that you´re laughing a lot. That´s why I like you.

Nick: One of my best friends older brothers, how can I not like the guy. The wall covered in posters in their old apartment was one of the greatest sights I have seen. Pure genious.

Tyler Lamarr: I don´t know if he´s ever looked at this page, but in the three months that we lived together he taught us all alot. He´s a funny man.

Meg Duffy- What a great example to all of us. You all know what I mean.

I´m sorry for all of the words. I needed to get them out, and I got them all out because I´m tired of typing. Sorry if I missed anyone. Don´t feel left out. I hope that I make it back to the states to see you all. I love the place. I love P-town because it´s home.


brooke said...

spencer, you dont have to apologize for all the words...they were very kind words, very enjoyable words. i love reading when people say nice things about other people. and if im included in those people, well, even better.
i think everyone is left speechless by your deepness here.
it left me kinda worried though. what does your 2-week vagabond-venture entail, exactly? dont do anything too crazy, we would all like to see you again someday i think.

Meg Duffy said...

I agree with brooke.... please buy another sweatshirt, or some more pants so you will stay warm... we will send you some.

meredith said...

These last two past have made me cry. MDEATH cries!?! I know, weird.

Thank you for your me and to everyone. All the kind things you have to say is a reflection on you as well. You are a dreamboat.

sodapop said...

spencer, you are very kind. i pray you won't die on your adventure.

ida.ho said...

spencer you will sutvive you're voyage and when you do i will give you a ginormous hug because you are so sweet. be good. see your little freckled face soon!