i look into those greasy buns at my blurred reflection and for a split second i question my decision, but will not be wasteful. i handle it like a man. i eat the first and then the second, crumbling the wrappers as i go. as i exit, i drop both wrappers in the the trash along with my receipt because the damage to my body will be enough to remember this occasion. i don't let the swinging trash can lid hit the back of my hands because i like to keep those clean.
you might wonder why i do this to my body. i've dedicated my last two posts to my poor eating habits. it's almost like i'm saying things i never did mean to my body. "i hate you and i want you to feel it. you've been very good to me, allowing me to engage in physical activity, such as baseball, basketball, bike riding, swimming, so i'm going to punish you by consuming terrible meat and all the unhealthy that's included." it's times like these when i feel like i act in total disregard for my body. because how great is the body when it works properly? if mine didn't work right i would be sad. if i couldn't hop on my blue ox of a bike and make it go i'd be sad. if i couldn't shoot hoops and whatever i'd be sad. if i couldn't move my body on the dance floor i'd be :(
so, i guess what i'm saying is to just be good to your bodies, folks, because they're going to shutdown one day and you're going to wish you hadn't rock'd the value menu as frequently as you had.
also, i've thought about it, and i don't really like james taylor's music. i've tried, but there's something about it. i was eating lunch the other day and "you've got a friend" came on and its sound reminds me of early saturday afternoons in virginia riding in our blue 1984 mazda pickup truck on the way to the dump with garbage in the form of tree branches, weeds, leaves, and so much dirt. it seems like a song by james taylor would always be playing on the radio and then the radio man's voice would come on and say something like "there's another one from james taylor," and then some radio ads, which i have a difficult time listening to. If it was my dad and one of my brothers in the car i would be in the middle and would get punched in the leg by the stick shift knob, or catch a bit of my dad's elbow as he switched gears. we would have the windows down, so that would lessen the blow of the radio voices, but when we'd hit a stoplight the radio would be blasting and i'd hope the next song would be more in the vein of phil collins. i really enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, phil's music. i remember being in the car when a genesis song came on the radio and asking my mom if i could get their album for christmas. this was at a time where i had no cd's, but wanted to start my collection. i remember being a bit hesitant in my request, because i didn't know how my mom felt about their music and i had never asked for any music before. i was still playing with gi joe's and ninja turtles, so it probably came as a surprise. i don't think she took me serious, because i'm still without a genesis album. i became a fan of mr. collins when he did this duet with david crosby. i heard the song before i saw the video, so i'm not sure how strong my love would have been if the order was reversed. mr. crosby looks like something of my bad dreams. he looks good in a humorous way. the reason why i loved the song so much was because i heard it around the time of michael jordan's first retirement and i would think about how it would fit perfectly in a montage of highlights from jordan's career. my young mind thought it was almost too perfect. listening to it now, many of lines wouldn't make sense, but if espn wants it i know i need it and would love to help.
on the subject of music videos, i find it funny now, but devastating when i was younger, when i would hear a song on the radio and picture in my mind what the singer looks like, but then see the video and be totally off. it hurt my head to hear what i thought was cool, but then see something its opposite. EXAMPLE #1. EXAMPLE #2. you expected these singers and musicians to carry themselves with so much cool, much like a young tevin campbell, but they don't, and your pop music world is turned upside down. they're not bad people at all, but you want the book to match the cover and when it doesn't, you just don't know anymore and you need a break. the song comes on the radio again and it's not the same. the big sigh and the switch of the station. and then this comes on.
at least genesis makes sense.

someone got their hair trimmed. the reflections on the lenses look dangerous.

that tree is incredible.
you are incredible.
Did you really get your hair trimmed or is that photoshopped? It looks good even with the beard and awesome glasses.
I can't decide if I like tanning lamp mike better or wrangler's mike. tough choice.
as for you new haircut, love it.
very nice. im feeling the beard. beautiful description of the double queso burger. made me hungry.
i founds shoes once at the bottom of that tree and they were in a plastic bag with a note that said "found these last fall".
i loved everything about that.
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