Monday, August 13, 2007

I've never really been into cars, and I've never had a desire to have a really fancy car. I'm afraid that if I bought a Beamer or a Mercedes...or a Rolls Royce that I'd feel like I was trying to feel like I was hot stuff with a lot of money. That's not me. I've always been content with the idea of a Toyota or a Subaru or something like that. However, the other week I was sitting on the grass outside of the Benson building, unwinding from 3 hours of running around in the Chem 107 lab trying to get things done in time, and I saw two mothers pushing their strollers with their precious babies inside. One of the mothers was pushing this pimped out ride, fully loaded with shock absorbers, a retractable sunroof, and fully cushioned seats. I'm sure if I had time to look harder I would've found a slammin' stereo system in there somewhere. On the other hand, the other mother was pushing the Rice Rocket of strollers. It looked like it was made out of wire hangers and plastic compared to the other stroller. I had to wonder if the mother with the sweet as stroller felt like she had the upper hand on motherhood than the "Rice Rocket" mother. I decided then that, even though I have no desire to have a pimpin' ride, my wife is going to be pushing around the dopest stroller around in the neighborhood.


sodapop said...

the mother of my children is going to be pushing a stroller rollin' on 22's. can you handle that?

Melissa H said...

As a mom who pushes one of the Rice Rockets, I will give you props for even thinking of your future wife and her needs! BUt also on the same token I can say that on some level, yes, I do feel slightly inferior to the other posh stroller carriers, but on the other hand I don't feel that spending $300 on something my child will barf on and tear up and destroy--as all children tend to--will give me enough satisfaction in the end.

I hope this helps.

Melissa H said...


I am Vince's wife, if you weren't sure yet.

ida.ho said...

this made me laugh but i tell you i would marry you just for thinking so much of your future woman.

Meg Duffy said...

I liked this post... it gave some things to think about.....